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Kids Baptism Class

Kids Baptism Large

Check out this short video to see what Baptism for Kids at Crossroads is all about!

We offer a baptism class for parents to attend together with their kids in 3rd-8th Grades. Parents, we believe you are the primary spiritual leaders of your children (Deut. 6:4-9) and therefore, we set you up to lead your child in this class. We provide the materials, give you the steps, and are with you the entire time! See more info about Baptism below.

When is this Parent/Child class offered? (Required for kids to be baptized)

  • TBD (We typically offer this once a quarter!)

When will my child get baptized?

  • We will talk about options in the class for your child to get baptized now or at a Crossroads service in the future

Crossroads’ Statement of Faith regarding baptism:  We believe faith in Jesus requires repentance, confession of that faith before witnesses, and obedience to His Word. Baptism by Immersion demonstrates our faith and obedience while it depicts our union with Christ in His death, burial, and resurrection.

Child Dedications

Child Dedication

We value parents as the primary spiritual nurturers of their children. We strive to support parents in this role by encouraging and equipping them to spiritually lead their families (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). We host a Child Dedication class to help equip you with the foundational elements of parenting, such as:

  • What’s my biblical role as a parent?
  • How do I maximize the time I have with my young child?
  • What does my child have the capacity to understand spiritually?

This class is required to participate in an upcoming dedication weekend. Our Child Dedications are a public, parent commitment. Parents will stand with their children in front of the congregation as a promise to offer their child to the Lord. It is also a public commitment to dedicate themselves to rearing their child for the glory of God. Parents should regularly attend Crossroads as they will be standing before the congregation who will help support, encourage, and hold them accountable on their parenting journey.

When is the Dedication Class offered? (required to participate in a Child Dedication Sunday)

  • Sunday, August 25th at 9:15 in Room 3 of the Nursery (You must register online below before attending the Dedication Class)

When is Child Dedication Sunday? (Dedications happen on campus in the main Worship Center during the 9 & 11am services on the following date. You can register for your service preference below as long as there are openings.)

  • Sunday, September 8th at 9 and 11

If you have any questions, contact Kim at

Want more info?

If you have any questions, or would like more information, send us an email by clicking below!